Saturday, November 21, 2020

Get Ready--Merry & Bright Sale Nov. 24th!!

 Hello Friends!!  The Merry & Bright Extravaganza is coming!


10% off almost all items in the Annual Catalog!

Yup--You read that right.  It's an across the board sale with almost all items in the Annual Catalog.
That means that kit you've been eyeing?  On SALE
The stamp & punch bundle?  On SALE
Want to complete your ink pad collection?  On SALE
Want to get more Blends color markers?  On SALE
A 10% across the board sale on so many items is amazing!  It's like saving the shipping!  Of course, SU had to make a few exceptions so the world doesn't explode from everyone trying to stock up on seal adhesive and white paper!  :)

I'm so glad SU announced this sale a few days early so we can prepare.  I don't know what your plans are for this weekend, but stop what you're doing and study the annual catalog.

If you prefer, you can email or text me with your order anytime before 11/24 and I'll place the order for you.
The BEST way to get what you want is to shop
 on my online store. I appreciate being chosen as your demo!
Please use my November Host Code RUHZUKCX when ordering online
 (orders less than $150)
November Host Rewards You Can Earn For FREE
Host Code:  RUHZUKCX
  • $50 order earns you a package of Glue Dots
  • $75 order earns you a package of Glue Dots & Very Vanilla Scalloped Lace Trim
  • $100 order earn you a package of Glue Dots, Very Vanilla Scalloped Lace Trim, and a set of Sponge Brayers

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